We Will Increase Your Revenue By $50,000-$100,000In 8 Weeks or Your Money Back

Is your branding do at least $80k a month and wants to
add an additional $50,000 - $100,000+ while decreasing churn?
Sit back, relax, and enjoy the results of our beautiful email designs and efficient strategies bring in $50,000 - $100,000+ every month in your sleep.

Brands We've Worked With:


Why Your Customers
Aren't Returning...

Let's be real...Customers have more options and choices than ever before.And that means if someone lands on your site and you have no ways of capturing their attention...You will never see them again.And that means your ad dollars went down the drain.So how do you solve this?Simple.Get your customer's email and flood them with value FOREVER.That's how you create life-long, die-hard fans of your brand that will spend into eternity.Because lets face it...Most brands aren't focused on retention.They're focused on churning and burning new customers.And that is an opportunity for you to gain an advantage.How?By building long-lasting connections with people who cost $0 to acquire after you get their email.But there's a twist...If you actually want this to work - it has to be done properlyBecause any lousy Joe or Susy can send out an email with a discount.But not everyone can go the extra mile and actually build relationships.And I'm sure you don't want to spend most of your time doing that either.So that's where we step in :)The Novelty Consulting team is full of ultra-dedicated individuals who eat, sleep, and breathe emails.From email subject lines to the nitty gritty email tracking links - we got you covered.So if you want to build long-lasting relationships and build an army of die-hard returning customers...Schedule a call whenever we're free and we'll see if we're a fit!Love & Prosperity,
Novelty Consulting Team


We Are Data Driven Decision Makers
At Novetly Consulting we don't operate on a guesswork basis. We meticulously analyse previous data and hypothesize based on that. And that is universal across the campaign ideas we have for the month and the flows we build out. As Jeff Bezos says,
"Whoever has the most data wins."


DAY 1 - 7

Klaviyo Audit:
This is where our team goes in and meticulously analyses your Klaviyo account and looks for facets that can be improved and optimized
Inbox Optimization:
If your emails are landing in the spam folder then there’s no point sending emails at all. This is why we have a process to ensure that our emails are valid in the eyes of inbox providers and are being seen by our recipients
Market Analysis:
This is where we get a good understanding of your customer avatar and a good understanding of what your competitors are doing.
Qualitative and Quantitative Data Collection:
For us to provide the best email results we need to make decisions based on your company's data and not guesswork. With that being said, If you have any quantitative data (Best sellers) or
qualitative data (Customer surveys) you'd be open to sharing you'd help us a ton!
90-day email blueprint:
This will be the road map we present to you showcasing the campaign topics we’re going to send out, the flows we’re going to build, and the segments we’re going to send to.

DAY 7 - 17

Pop-up form implementation:
After we’ve got all the design assets we need from you - we will begin to design the pop-up form that is going to capture the emails
Email Heatmap implementation:
Our team will connect your Klaviyo account to a heatmap tracker. This will give us data about where recipients are clicking and engaging with the most. And based on that data we can make better design decisions moving forward
Flow Design & Construction:
This is where we are going to build out and design 8 + flows with your approval of the design to make sure it is on-brand.
Campaign Conception & Segmentation:
At this stage, campaigns will be designed and will start to get sent out to relevant segments that we created.
Weekly Reports:
Once emails are out - we will then send you a progress report of how well the emails are performing every week.

Everything We Offer

8+ Automated email flowsHigh converting email sign-up form3+ Weekly email campaignsRelevant list segmentationPerpetual tests and optimizationWeekly Progress Reports

Our Testing Process

Our I.C.E A/B Testing Prioritization Process

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